
Buy A Baldy

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Bonus Baldy

On Saturday Doug took the plunge. He's just been waiting for me to come around I think! I really didn't want him to at first because I didn't want ALL the adults in my house to be scary and ugly! However, when I saw how good the other men were turning out, I decided it was OK. Not so scary and ugly! It was hard making the first cut with the clippers. He'd let his hair get so long though, it HAD to come off one way or another! We video taped it and took pictures. Cora wasn't a big fan of the look, but she came around pretty soon. Holley, on the other hand, freaked out! She cried and ran away and wouldn't go anywhere near Doug. Finally, that night she peek into the kitchen at him and said, "Baldy." Doug told her he looked so nice and she kept telling him, "Ewww, nooooo!" But she laughed as she said it and has been fine ever since.

I also have to tell a funny thing. Holley saw a bald guy out the window the other day and she said, "Mama!"

Everyone at church was way impressed that Doug would go bald for me. He even had volunteers in the Elders Quorum who wanted to shave their heads too. One of them even suggested that he get in on the website action. We'll see if any of it happens, but it's a
nice thing to know that people here care too! One of my friends here used to be pretty wild and shaved her head before she had kids. She keeps threatening that she's going to do it again, but I keep telling her not to! I can accept brave men doing it, but I just don't think that women should ever be bald! Her husband is one of the ones who kept saying that he was coming to church on Sunday shaved so I may not be able to stop her from doing it!

It's been really interesting to have another baldy right here in our house. Nothing has made me feel braver than having someone else that I'm around all the time, know what it feels like to have no hair. Of course, his is already growing back, but it just really helps to have him here in the house with me, being bald all the time. I asked him to keep it bald until I start to grow my hair back. He was all for it! He told me yesterday that he's started to think of my baldness as just being a drastic, cutting edge kind of haircut. He said that he's going to be kind of sad when I start to grow it back. How nice is he?

Has anyone else discovered that they don't have a lot of feeling in their scalps? I thought it was just me, but Doug says that he doesn't feel very much on his head either. So I was just wondering if anyone else was discovering weird things about being bald. Looks like Doug has joined the ranks of the other Baldies!

Andrew sez:
Personally I think this first one Doug looks like Jack Nicholson. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're looking good Doug!

Cami, Brian made a comment about not having any feeling in his scalp either. That's interesting that other people feel that too.

Mom, we got our bracelets yesterday. Thanks for sending those!

I love you guys!

6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great look "Bonus Baldy." Glad you joined us. Too bad we can't all get together to have pictures taken. But Andy said that everyone might think we were members of a cult or something. So it is probably better that we don't. Anyway, you look great.

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Doug,

Nice looking melon,


8:09 PM  

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